Wednesday, July 15, 2009


Neck and Shoulder pain is a fairly common complaint of the modern worker in the United States. This condition can affect anyone who uses his or her arms a lot in daily work, whether it is computer work, phone work, lifting, or any other repetitive movement of the upper body. It is treated exceptionally well with acupuncture and Chinese Herbs.

From a Chinese Medicine Perspective, Neck and Shoulder Pain is a symptom of stagnant Qi and Blood. This stagnation affects primarily the Urinary Bladder, Gall Bladder, and Small Intestine meridian channels. As this is an area many people carry their stress there is generally stagnancy and depression of the Liver Energy as well. The continuous holding of stress leads to Qi and Blood stagnation and to poor circulation in the muscles of the neck and shoulders, including the trapezius, the levetor scapulae, the scalene, the rhomboids, the infraspinatus and deltoid, creating a lot of stiffness and tension. This excessive tension limits the mobility of the neck, as well as the rotator cuff muscles of the shoulder joint, and the facet joints of the spinal column. This tension and stiffness of the muscles leads to an accumulation of lactic acid in the tissues and interstitial space. This excessive acid accumulation in the tissues can trigger inflammation and long term can lead to degeneration of the discs. Additionally, this continuous tension and stress in the muscles can lead to chronic headaches, poor memory, fatigue, poor decision making, eye strain.

The Standard Western Approach to Neck and Shoulder pain:

Starting with NSAID (Non Steroidal Anti Inflammatory Drugs), painkillers and Muscle relaxers, progressing to cortical steroid injections, nerve blocks and Surgery may be an option in extreme cases. Side effects from these drugs range from mild to serious including: addiction, and even ultimately kidney failure.

The Chinese Medicine Approach:

The use of acupuncture for neck and shoulder pain is ancient. Points in the local area of the neck, base of skull, and shoulder blade are used to relax muscles, increase endorphin production, and increase circulation. Additionally, points are chosen to increase the functioning of the Liver the Kidneys and adrenal glands. Points are also selected along the Gall Bladder, Small Intestine and Urinary Bladder Meridians. Points may also be chosen to help with the general constitution as well. Electric stimulation to the needles may be used for increased endorphin response. Once placed, the needles will remain for 30 minutes while the patient relaxes and focuses on breathing.

Herbal wise, the approach to neck and shoulder pain is to increase circulation, dispel wind and dampness, strengthen the functioning of the Kidney, and alleviate stress from the Liver system.

A course of treatment with acupuncture is 10 sessions. It is best to have acupuncture more frequently in the early stages of treatment and then decrease frequency with time. Often times back pain will resolve within that time, and then the patient will use acupuncture as a preventive measure.

Justin Burkett, is a licensed acupuncturist and Master of Oriental Medicine with a practice onboard Carnival Conquest, sailing from Galveston, TX. He writing a book on an integrated approach toward natural health called, "Healthy People Don't Need Medicine". He is proud to be part of a tradition of medicine that is truly a treasure of world knowledge that stretches back across time and around the world.

To find a qualified licensed acupuncturist in your area, click here.
To learn more about herbs for allergies, click here.
You can learn more about Justin’s practice here.
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