Sunday, July 26, 2009

Diet for a Healthy Liver

The Liver dominates the circulation. The Liver stores the blood and anytime blood is needed in your body it must be de-livered and then pumped via the heart to those areas of demand.

When your Liver is under stress, it tightens up and does not free the blood so easily leading to stiffness and tension. When that blood does not reach the diaphragm and stomach, you experience diaphragmatic tension and heartburn.

When Liver energy is stagnant, depression, irritability and stress show up. When the energy flow to the brain is inhibited, then you might feel fatigue and dizziness.

One critical thing to do is to improve your Liver with your diet.

In General, the Liver benefits from sour taste. So twice per day, drink warm water with ½ lemon or lime, or warm water with apple cider vinegar. Also, include more of the tart taste like you find in berries.

The GRAINS that benefit the Liver
  • Oats,
  • Wheat
  • Rye
Try whole grain bread,Oatmeal with some berries

The LEGUMES (beans) that benefit the Liver
  • Green Lentils
  • Mung beans
  • Lima beans
Use in stews and soups,
Get creative, take seasoned spiced beans and use a food processor to make into a paste (like hummus) and use in a wrap with some alfalfa spouts.

The NUTS / SEEDS that benefit the Liver
  • Brazil nuts
  • Cashews

The VEGETABLES that benefit the Liver
  • Green Bell Peppers
  • Green Peas
  • lettuce
  • String Beans
  • Zucchini
A great way to really make super veggie liver detox is to choose any two or three of the above veggies and juice them.

The FRUITS that benefit the Liver
  • Avocado
  • Grape
  • Lemon
  • Lime
  • Plums

See, healthy eating is NOT Boring Eating. Food should make you feel alive and vital. In today's polluted modern world, taking care of your Liver is an absolute must.

To find a qualified licensed acupuncturist in your area, click here
To learn more about herbs for Liver health, click here PROMO CODE 38389
learn more about Justin’s practice here
subscribe to the podcast "your chinese medicine minute"
buy his e-book, "healthy people don't need medicine".

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